To maximize profits for your school or organization, Best Book Fairs employs a generous profit sharing model combined with fair bonuses and a cash-int0-books option.

Profit Sharing Plans:

Please contact us for specific details.

Fair Bonuses:

First Fair BonusEarn a 2.5% bonus with your first book fair with us.
Early Fair BonusSchedule your book fair early in the semester for this bonus.
Two Fair BonusBook two fairs for Fall and Spring to earn bonuses.
One Day Fair BonusHave your fair start and finish all in one day to earn bonuses.
All Book BonusTake your entire profit as books to increase your profits up to 50%.

Contact us for specifics of how to increase your profits with these bonus programs.


Increase Your Profits with Books!  Profits are calculated as cash profit, but any portion may be converted to books.

  • 40% OFF if you spend some profit on books:
    $100 of cash profit = $167 of Book Fairs books.

  • 50% OFF if you spend all your profit on books:
    $100 of cash profit = $200 of Book Fairs books.